The Dental Chronicles

Saturday, June 26, 2004

POST 27: The End Is Nearer!

Today, I had my final "real" appointment with my orthodontist. I had my lower braces taken off, and two sets of molds taken. The first set (working mold) was for the lower retainer. The second set was for creating the plaster model. I had some X-rays done, and my photo taken from different angles and positions. Dr. Chiang asked my permission to use me as a case study because most of his surgical patients have taken 3 years, whereas my end-to-end work spanned just over 2. I allowed it, and asked for a copy of his presentation.

For the most part, I'm happy with the work done. The only things that can be improved in the future are that my molars ("7"s, the furthest back) don't touch, and there is a slight gap between the front two ("1"s) teeth on the lower jaw. Dr. Chiang made a minor adjustment to my retainer to hopefully close that gap.

So that's where things are at. I will have a final appointment made sometime mid-July, as a final final check-up. Typically, a patient would go for semi-annual check-ups. I won't be in the country, so I'll just have to have the check-ups when I return.

Posted 3:27 AM |  

Thursday, June 24, 2004

POST 26: Photo Update

Photos from this year have been posted. Took a while.

Posted 2:55 PM |