PART 7: Post-Mortem
After dressing down to a patient's gown, I was wheeled into the operating room at approximately 8am. It was my first time in an operating room, and ressembled very much like those in Sci Fi movies, but with aliens replaced with 4 - 6 nurses. Dr. Reichman was a few minutes late, but I had a quite chat with him before the general anesthetic was inserted in my IV tube. I remember being conscious for a few more seconds, but didn't awake until I was in the recovery room having nurses do little things here and there on me, taking my vitals, and such. It was around 1am when I regained consciousness, and I was really groggy. I remembered Dr. Reichman (or possibly another nurse or doctor) tell me at one point that the operation went really smoothly.
I was transferred from the UBC hospital to Vancouver General Hospital because of a labour dispute that had taken place the day before, while I fell in and out of sleep for the next few hours. My parents and sister came to visit me at 5pm or so and left at 9pm. Through their visit, I was still in and out of sleep, but we managed to take a few post-surgery photos. I could see from the pictures that my lower lip was extremely swollen, as was my chin -- both of which had no feeling in them. My cheeks were also wider than I had ever seen them, and brought me back to my Grade 8 days where I still had a certain amount of baby fat. I had an ice pack wrapped around my head, keeping my chin cooled to reduce swelling.
Being hooked up to an IV machine, I could only pee into a plastic container under my bed covers. The first time I tried urinating was the hardest. It was when I was still at UBC's recover room and I really had to go, but wasn't able to get it out. It wasn't until my 4th or 5th try that I succeed. Thereafter, the subsequent nine times when smoothly and quickly. From the time I regained consciousness, I had a tube down my left nostril keeping my stomach empty so that I wouldn't get nauseous and vomit. I had that removed around midnight, and it boy did it feel oh so good. I also had some gravol IV for nausea.
I wasn't able to open my mouth too much, which maked drinking rather difficult. I had splints around my teeth and elastics pulling the jaws together. With my swollen buttom lip, it looks like I still have an underbite... but I can feel my upper row of teeth in front of my lower row by poking around with my fingers.
My folks came to visit again today at 10am, and I was in better spirits and more able to communicate with them. Dr. Reichman came in around 2pm and give me some simple instructions for our next appointment about 1 week from today. The main tasks on my list were:
1) Drink lots of fluids. 2L or more per 24 hours.
2) Clean my mouth clean. Rinse with warm salt water after every drink, and brush what I can 3 times a day (for 15 mins).
3) No chewing and no getting hit.
My operation took 3.5 hours, which Dr. Reichman said was a longer than they had expected. It turns out that my upper jaw wasn't wide enough, so he had to cut it down the middle to widen it more at the back. Seems like the 3 - 4 months I spent with the jackscrew expander was a bit of a waste.